Saturday, April 30, 2022

Kyrie Irving Vaccine Mandate

Kyrie Irving is the star guard for the Brooklyn Nets.  At the beginning of the basketball season, Kyrie Irving said he would not get vaccinated.  Months later, his stance has not wavered.  

With Irving being unvaccinated, he could only play away games.  Irving would be unable to play any home games at the Barclays Center located in Brooklyn.  In addition he could not play in Madison Square Garden, the arena of the NY Knicks or Scotiabank Arena, arena of the Toronto Raptors.  

Essentially, since Irving could only play in road games, he would be a part-time player.  Irving would become the first part-time player since since 1962, when Terry Dischinger balanced basketball and books.  Dischinger was a part of the Zephyrs — who became the Baltimore Bullets in 1963, and are now the Washington Wizards.  Dischinger, averaged 25.5 points, eight rebounds and three assists, which led him to an All-Star berth and Rookie of the Year honors, beating out Hall of Famer John Havlicek.

Sean Marks is the GM of the Brooklyn Nets.  Instead of allowing Irving to be a part-time player and only play road games, Marks had a different idea.  

“Given the evolving nature of the situation and after thorough deliberation, we have decided Kyrie Irving will not play or practice with the team until he is eligible to be a full participant,” Marks said. “Kyrie has made a personal choice and we respect his individual right to choose. Currently, the choice restricts his ability to be a full-time member of the team and we will not permit any member of our team to participate with part-time availability. It is imperative that we continue to build chemistry as a team and remain true to our long-established values of togetherness and sacrifice.”

The Nets organization essentially gave Irving an ultimatum.  Get vaccinated or don't play.  I believe that with this stance the Nets were trying to force Irving's hand and fundamentally coerce him into getting vaccinated.  Irving didn't fold.  He maintained his stance and did not get vaccinated.  

On January 5, 2022, Irving played his first game of the season after the Nets went back on their initial decision.  Irving is an elite player and his talent is undeniable.  And is that talent that I believe the Nets had no choice but to bring him back.

On March 23, Irving's birthday their were strong indications that the mandate would be lifted the next day.

The very next day, the mandate restricting athletes from playing in their home arenas was officially lifted.  

After Irving was allowed to play in NY, he called for any unvaccinated workers who were fired for being unvaccinated to get their jobs back because he did.  

Eric Adams is the Mayor of New York City.  Due to pressure coming from the NY Mets and NY Yankees, Adams got rid of the private sector stipulation that was NY preventing athletes, like Kyrie Irving from playing for their respective teams, but allowing unvaccinated athletes from other teams to play in NY.  The mandate excuses NYC-based performers from the private sector vaccine mandate while leaving the rule intact for the vast majority of employees citywide.

There are many New Yorkers who feel it is unfair that athletes like Irving can now play, but they [unvaccinated people] cannot have their jobs back because of their vaccination status.  I'm sure unvaccinated people who were fired are happy Irving "got his job back" but hate that they have not since there is a double standard.

The timing is very telling.  Adams got rid of the mandate not too long before the start of the baseball season.

Which begs the question, how much of the vaccine mandate was about public health and how much was it about money?  Adams removed the mandate to save NY money and allow athletes to play, but what about the millions of New Yorkers that were fired from work because they weren't vaccinated?  

Is that fair?

Is there anything more powerful than money? 

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Barbara Walters

  Barbara Walters is a retired American broadcast journalist, television personality and author.  Walters has appeared on many television p...